Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crosswalk: Dollars from Heaven - Moments with You - June 25, 2011


Dollars from Heaven - Moments with You - June 25, 2011
25 Jun 2011, 5:00 am

June 25

Dollars from Heaven

Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. LUKE 6:38

Our children are better students of us than we are of them. They know—really know—more of what's going on in your marriage than you think they do. This was certainly the case for a couple who were invited by the wife's brother and sister-in-law to attend one of our Weekend to Remember marriage conferences. Times had been hard for this couple, from the typical stress of raising four teenage daughters to the strain of having one daughter preparing to graduate and another preparing to marry to the added pressure of temporarily providing a home for a friend and her two children. Truly, this was a couple in need of some refreshment.

But even with their relatives' offer to pay for the airfare, they still didn't feel as if they could handle the cost of the hotel, meals and conference fee. Disappointed, they said, "As much as we'd love to go, we just can't afford it." But when they returned home that same night, they were met by an incredible sight in their bedroom: 400 one-dollar bills—on the bed, on the floor, even taped to the walls—as well as a card that read: "We love you, Mom and Dad. Have a great time!" Their youngest daughters (ages 10 and 13), knowing what
was going on, had scraped together every cent they had saved to give their parents a gift and the trip of a lifetime.

Don't ever forget that your children are like little radar units, locked on to the two most important people in their lives. They know how you are doing. That's why it's so important to invest regularly in your marriage by getting away.


When was the last time you took time away to work on your marriage? Pull out a schedule and talk about finding two weekends in the coming year to invest in your marriage.


Ask the Lord to help you be sensitive to how your children gain strength and stability from your relationship with one another.  

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