Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crosswalk: A Good Thing - June 24, 2011


A Good Thing - June 24, 2011
24 Jun 2011, 5:00 am

Day 24 ThemeComfort

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God– 2 Corinthians 1:4

God gives us comfort in all our tribulation. There is not a sickness, or a loss, or a pain, or a frustration for which God does not provide comfort.

He comforts us in his Word, the Bible. When we read His promises and discover His character, we receive the great comfort that is meant for us in His Word. We are reminded that God is good and that God is sovereign. And we are told that His sovereign goodness is at work in this universe on behalf of believers.

He comforts us with His Spirit. In fact, the Spirit of God is called our Comforter. When no human can understand, when no words can relieve, the Spirit of God is still able to minister to our soul. By pointing us to the finished work of Christ and drawing us to the person of Christ, the Holy Spirit sets our feet on solid ground even when our world is falling apart around us.

But there is another way, Paul tells us, in which God comforts us. The very trials and consolations we have experienced will be used to help others through their personal pains. God's Word brings comfort to others as we share with others the scriptures that have helped us. The Spirit of God brings comfort as we testify of the sufficiency of Christ even in the midst of our personal agonizing.

Through the very comfort that we ourselves have received, others receive comfort; this, in turn, consoles us that our trial has not been in vain.

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