Understanding the paradox of gaining life through death
June 29, 2011
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
Romans 8:13
It's funny how, as you read the Scriptures, one constant theme that you'll find over and over is the idea of life coming from death. It's paradoxical. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, one of the first things God did was kill two animals and clothe them so their shame would be covered. They received life from death.
And that's also the way that Jesus gives you and me life: through death. By his death upon the cross, he purchased life for us. And not only that, he invites all of us to come and die to ourselves that we might live to him.
That is the meaning of life! Real life is gained by the death of Jesus Christ. And eternal life is not just going to heaven when you die; it's Christ coming out of heaven and into your heart by faith and trust in him. That is life!
Do you want to really live? Trust in the One who died for you, then die to yourself. There's no other way it can be done. And when you give your own self up for a life lived in Christ, you'll discover that life any other way is not life at all!
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Dear Friend,
It's been well said that there aren't any shortcuts to success—just like there are no shortcuts to character. That's why the choices you make and the actions you take are so important!
You can learn how to live out your God-given dreams in my new series based on the life of Joseph. Called Destiny: Your Future – God's Favor, Part 2, it will show you how to discover the dreams God has for your life, and you'll learn how those dreams can lead to your God-given purpose and destiny!
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It is my prayer that this resource will help you to discover how God is weaving his awesome plan in your life!
Jack Graham
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