I Lost the Phone
by Berni Dymet
I Thess. 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.
The other day, I rang Max - Max runs the studio where I record all of my programs. I was due there that day, but he didn't answer the phone. Hmm, it's a bit of a worry. So I rang him a little bit later….and he kind of sheepishly said - we couldn't find the phone when you rang.
We had a good laugh about the olden days, when the phone was connected to the wall with a wire.
But it reminded me I guess about our communication with God. I wonder, I wonder how many people who claim to be Christians could find their Bible. Some could, but a whole bunch…..well, I think it's up in the Cupboard somewhere.
This book - is like the phone, only instead of just Berni calling, God. Imagine - He's always ready to speak. Always ready to encourage and to guide and to stretch us and to whisper His Words of love into our hearts….
But like that phone, unless we reach out and use it…we won't hear a thing.
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