Friday, June 24, 2011

Crosswalk: Leaves of Life - June 25


Leaves of Life - June 25
25 Jun 2011, 5:00 am


  • William Smellie died 1795.

  • Antoine Jean Gros died 1835.

  • Lucy Webb Hayes died 1889.

In every feast remember there are two guests to be entertained—the body and the soul; and what you give the body you presently lose, but what you give the soul remains forever.

We take pains and weary to faultlessly clothe the body. We persevere, and often struggle, to adorn the mind. As we pass through the rays of truth, sometimes we find, after all we have put on, we have left bare the soul.
—M. B. S.

For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?
—Matthew 16. 26.

Lord God, help me to understand that thou hast made the principle of truth so that I cannot add to it, nor take from it, lest in altering it I might destroy it. May I never try to make my purpose cover the truth, but without fear, face the light where truth shines the brightest. Amen.

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