I try to be humble. But there comes a time when a man just has to shuck his stolid business suit, don his cape, sit down, pull on his form-fitting leggings, stand, and boldly declare for one and all to hear, "I shall rock Comic-Con!"
Or, really? Doubt I will? Then witness this listing of this Sunday's Comic-Con confabs -- if you dare:
Christian Comics: The Calling of the Artist, Sunday, 7/24/11, 2:30p.m. – 3:30p.m., Room: 23ABC
What unique challenges do artists face in developing work for both mainstream and religious audiences? How can "Christian media" avoid becoming just a pale imitation of its secular counterparts? Join panelists SERGIO CARIELLO (The Action Bible), ERIC JANSEN (Missions Press), STEVE BLOUNT (Kingstone Media), ROBERT LUEDKE (Eye Witness),
MIKE SHIELDS (Blue Blazes) and moderator BUZZ DIXON (Hits & Misses) as they discuss the challenges and rewards of following the call of personal faith and the creative arts.
If you have anything you'd like me to communicate to the hordes of Christian art geeks certain to flock to Room 23ABC for a chance to sip from the fount of artistic genius that is me (and my fellow panelists, of course), speaketh it unto me now.
*(Slight font-buffing and coloring mine.)
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