Christ’s Abundance
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:10 NKJV
The familiar words of John 10:10 convey this promise: Jesus came to this earth so that you might have a life of abundance. But what, precisely, did Christ mean when He talked of the abundant life? Was He promising His followers an abundance of fame and fortune? Hardly. The Prince of Peace came to this world, not to give it prosperity, but to give it salvation. Thankfully for Christians, our Savior’s abundance is both spiritual and eternal; it never faltersâ€"even if we doâ€"and it never dies. We need only to open our hearts to Him, and His grace becomes ours.
The spiritual abundance that Jesus promises is, indeed, available to you. Your task, as a follower of the One from Galilee, is to accept Christ’s abundance and to claim His gifts. The fullness of life in Christ canâ€"and shouldâ€"be yours, but no one can claim those riches on your behalf . . . you must claim them for yourself.
Do you sincerely seek the riches that our Savior offers to those who give themselves to Him? Then follow Him completely and obey Him without reservation. Follow Him today, tomorrow, and every day that you live. When you do, you will receive the love and the abundance that He has promised.
Seek first the personal transformation that is available through a genuine relationship with Christ, and then claim the joy, the peace, and the spiritual abundance that the Shepherd offers His sheep.
The only way you can experience abundant life is to surrender your plans to Him.
Charles Stanley
Jesus wants Life for us, Life with a capital L.
John Eldredge
We honor God by asking for great things when they are a part of His promise. We dishonor Him and cheat ourselves when we ask for molehills where He has promised mountains.
Vance Havner
Today’s Prayer
Dear Lord, You have offered me the gift of abundance through Your Son. Thank You, Father, for the abundant  life that is mine through Christ Jesus. Let me accept His gifts and use them always to glorify You. Amen
To purchase this devotional please visit New Life Ministries
Taken from The Life Recovery Devotional: Thirty Meditations from Scripture for Each Step in Recovery by Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop. Copyright © 1991 by Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
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