August 11
First family
His mother and brothers came to Him…and it was told Him by some, who said, "Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see You." Luke 8:19-20 (NKJV)
As Jesus began to increase in popularity and influence, it brought Him to a crossroads. Keep in mind that He grew up just as most of us do, surrounded by a physical family with parents and siblings. To them, He was just the son and the brother they had lived with over the years.
But now, news was spreading fast that the familiar fixture in their humble home was doing and saying some pretty outrageous things. In fact, Mark's gospel tells us many began to suspect that He was losing His mind (Mark 3:21). At one point, his family attempted to break in on one of His public teachings. "Your mother and your brothers want to see you," Jesus was told. Presumably it was to take Him home. But instead of stopping for their sake, Jesus says something very interesting:
"My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it." Luke 8:21 (NKJV)
Christ's physical family was on the outside looking in when it came to what Jesus was all about spiritually. So He says that His real family consisted of those who were in lockstep with Him on the spiritual level of knowing and obeying God's Word. Jesus believed spiritual bonds were stronger and more important than physical bonds. Consequently, His membership to God's family came first.
Jesus didn't abandon His physical family. The Bible tells us they eventually trusted in Him (Acts 1:14) and at least two brothers, James and Jude, authored New Testament books.
God doesn't want us to abandon our physical family. But at the same time, we need to follow Christ's lead by understanding we're first and foremost members of God's family.
Think About It…
What does this passage reveal to me about God?
What does this passage reveal to me about myself?
Based on this, what changes do I need to make?
What is my prayer for today?
New 365 Devotional Volume 2

God's mercy is new every day. That's because it's needed
daily. So to help you walk through a fresh new day, the Active Word has put together this second volume of the 365 Devotional. Our hope in creating this series of devotionals, is to help you connect with God's Word 365 days a year. And the best thing is, you can start any day of the year. Stay in step with God's Word, His will, and learn to live out your faith, daily.
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