Saturday, July 9, 2011

Devotionals: The Golden Rule - A Daily Word - July 9, 2011


The Golden Rule - A Daily Word - July 9, 2011
9 Jul 2011, 5:00 am


July 9

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” 
Matthew 5:7

Optimists teach their kids the Golden Rule, but pessimists say that if you’re kind to others they’ll kick you in the face. The lack of civility has become a problem in culture, as more people embrace the pessimists than the optimists. But God’s people align with Christ, no matter how wavering the bright-siders, nor how glum the nay-sayers. Jesus doesn’t merely command mercy, but attaches a promise. We don’t look for reciprocity from other people. The mercy Christ’s followers receive comes from God, the Judge of the universe.

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