Monday, July 4, 2011

Devotionals: A Daily Word - July 5, 2011


A Daily Word - July 5, 2011
5 Jul 2011, 5:00 am


July 5

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 
Matthew 5:3

Eleven-year olds in British schools were to be taught lessons in happiness through a curriculum designed by an American “guru” to reduce “a huge rise in depression, self-harm, and anti-social behavior” among the young. But happiness is a byproduct of a state of being called “joy,” the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The “poor in spirit” recognize that self-made happy potions can’t help them, that they are empty and depleted apart from God. Jesus has no good news for “rich in spirit,” only for those so impoverished they know they need Him.

“Happiness lessons for all,” By Sophie Goodchild, The Independent, July 9, 2006.

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